Category Archives: Hebrews

Good Things to Come

relating to God on the basis of His grace alone”

Download discussion questions:  Hebrews 8:13-9:12

I encourage you to look at the passage in Hebrews before you read this Blog entry.  What do you see in the text yourself?  What questions come to your mind?  How would you interpret what the writer says?  After even a few minutes examining and thinking about the text you will be much better prepared to evaluate the comments in the Blog.

In our normal routine, our group spent ten to fifteen minutes looking at the passage individually before we began our discussion.  The silence was marked by an unusual number of non-verbal “Huh!” noises from various members. Continue reading

A New Covenant

the head rules the belly through the chest

Download discussion questions:  Hebrews 8:6-13

I encourage you to look at the passage in Hebrews before you read this Blog entry.  What do you see in the text yourself?  What questions come to your mind?  How would you interpret what the writer says?  After even a few minutes examining and thinking about the text you will be much better prepared to evaluate the comments in the Blog.

[NOTE:  Although this group has been together for some time, our study of Hebrews was interrupted for several months.  When we recently resumed, I was able to begin the blog here at a key point in the sermon to the Hebrew Christians.  Be sure to read the first seven chapters to better understand the flow of the writer’s argument. – mw]

Does God Care?

One simple way to begin a discussion of a Bible passage (after the group has had time to read through the text a few times) is to ask the question, “What confuses you about this passage?” Continue reading

Is Hebrews Relevant?

 “None of this strikes us as having genuine relevance to our situation.”

Given the potential (or at least perceived) obstacles to studying the book of Hebrews (mentioned in the previous blog post), why bother?  Aren’t the other, more comprehensible books of the New Testament likely to be more profitable, both theologically and practically?  One of the most enthusiastic commentators (quoted in that previous post) acknowledges:

“It draws much from Leviticus….  It appeals to the experience of Israel in the wilderness…. It makes reference to the mysterious person of Melchizedek….
None of this strikes us as having genuine relevance to our situation.”[1] Continue reading

Why Study (and Blog about) Hebrews?

“Hebrews is a delight for the person who enjoys puzzles.”

A Neglected Book?

In your experience (as a Christian, or as one inquiring into the Faith), which parts of the New Testament have been most explored?  In sermons, reading, or your own study, which are most familiar?  Conversely, which parts of the New Testament canon seem like uncharted territory?  If all of Scripture is inspired by God[1] why such a disparity?  For most of us the four gospels (or at least one of them), some of Paul’s letters, maybe Acts, and bits and pieces from the Revelation fill the first list.  Sermons and Bible study groups repeatedly return to familiar territory.  But some parts seem to receive much less attention.  Hebrews would top that list for many. Continue reading