John 1:35-51 Calling Disciples

March 15, 2015 – John 1:35 – 51

 Download discussion questions:  John 1_35-51 calling disciples

The stage has been set with the deep theological or philosophical introduction and then by the early confrontation between the religious committee from Jerusalem and John the Baptist.  Now, in this passage, we first see the subject of the theological prologue and the object of John’s controversial preaching, Jesus Himself.  The tone changes.  The rest of the chapter takes on a much more relational atmosphere, presenting a half-dozen personal encounters, some between various soon-to-be disciples, some with Jesus. Continue reading

John 1:28-37 The Lamb of God

March 8, 2015 – John 1:28 – 37

 Download discussion questions:  John 1_28-37 Lamb of God

After the confrontation with the investigating committee from the Pharisees, the action turns to a narrative about the ministry of John the baptizer, mostly in his own words.  Seeing Jesus, John points Him out as the “Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world.”  He identifies Jesus as fulfilling his previous preaching about One coming after him, and he describes his entire ministry as relating to Jesus. Continue reading

John 1:19-28 The Testimony of John

March 1, 2015 – John 1:19-28

 Download discussion questions: John 1_19-28 testimony of John
 Background Resources

John shifts gears (if that is an appropriate metaphor for first-century Palestine?) from his provocative and even mysterious theological and philosophical language about Word and Light and glory and truth and grace.  Now he describes a very down-to-earth encounter or confrontation between religious officials and a wandering preacher.

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John 1:8-18 Prologue, Part 2

February 15, 2015 – John 1:8-18

 Download discussion questions:  John 1_9-18 prologue B

The writer of the Gospel (he hasn’t said much about himself yet) continues developing his metaphorical themes of “the Word” and “the Light.”  He has a lot to say about what this Word and this Light have done – coming into the world, enlightening people, giving, dwelling, providing truth and grace.  He has a few things to say about humans as well – not knowing Him, not receiving Him (but some did).  The two consistent themes provide clear pictures.  One is of the continuously initiating, intentional, giving God.  The other is the less than enthusiastic response (if any) of the very world He created. Continue reading

John 1:1-10 Prologue, Part 1

February 8, 2015 – John 1:1-10

 Download discussion questions:  John 1_1-10 prologue A

Taking a fresh look at a familiar passage in the Bible can be a challenge.  It is tempting to read verses we may even know by heart (“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God…”) and keep going.  We may not say out loud, “I already know what that means,” but that can be what is in our heart.  “Read that, know that.”  That can make the Bible boring. Continue reading

How we are studying the Gospel of John

The Gospel of John – Winter 2015
(This same approach is useful for any text of Scripture)

“Therefore many other signs Jesus also performed in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book; but these have been written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing you may have life in His name.”
John 20:30-31

Our approach

Inductive Bible study is primarily asking questions and looking for answers in the text.

  • Observation – What does it say?
  • Interpretation – What does it mean?
  • Application – What does it mean for me?

(More detail in the handout:  Inductive Bible Study – A few general ideas)

Asking questions is key to good Bible Study Continue reading

Before we start

January 26, 2015 – before we start

The beginning of a new Bible study is an exciting prospect.  Maybe it is a book of the Bible you have studied in detail before.  Maybe it is a part of the Bible you have never read.  Most likely the Gospel of John is somewhere between those two extremes for most of us.  Either way, the richness and depth of the very word of God promises to reward the efforts of a fresh study.  If Scripture is the self-revelation of an infinite creator God, then we always have the opportunity to learn more and draw closer to Him through the text of the Bible. Continue reading