John 5:15 – 30 Whatever the Father Does

June 7, 2015 John 5:15 – 30

Download discussion questions:  John 5_15-30 whatever the Father does

Until now, much of what John has written has been narrative accounts with some dialog (Jesus and Nathanael, Jesus at Cana, Jesus cleansing the temple, Jesus and Nicodemus, John the Baptizer and his followers, Jesus and the Samaritan woman, Jesus and the royal official, Jesus healing the sick man).

There has been some direct teaching as Jesus interacted with different persons in different circumstances, but this passage and several more to follow are extended, detailed discourses by Jesus. This passage (John 5:15-30) is His response to the accusation of the Jews, that He was “making Himself equal with God.” Continue reading

John 5:1 – 18 By a pool on the Sabbath

May 31, 2015 John 5:1 – 18

Download discussion questions: John 5_1-18 by a pool on the Sabbath

Samaria, Galilee, now back to Jerusalem.  The first place John records Jesus going is overwhelming in misery and human tragedy.  As one member of the group pointed out, our usual response would be to avoid such places, to go around, to find another gate into the city – anything to avoid being confronted with so much suffering.  Jesus starts there as He enters the city, and he focuses His attention on one particular man.  Jesus did not let an overwhelming situation dissuade Him or distract Him from ministering to an individual, a clear model for us in overwhelming circumstances. Continue reading

John 4:39 – 54 An Official’s Son

May 24, 2015 – John 4:39 – 54

Download discussion questions:  John 4_39-54 Official’s son

Jesus had two very fruitful days in Samaria – “Many more believed,” (John 4:41).  Then he went on into Galilee.  One thing that puzzled me in the passage was the logic of verse 44.  Jesus knew that “a prophet has not honor in his own country.”  How did that result in His departure for Galilee?  That seeming non-sequiter disappeared in our group discussion (oh, the value of group Bible study!).  Continue reading

John 4:28 – 43 My Food

May 17, 2015 – John 4:28 – 43

Download discussion questions:  John 4_28-43 My food

At the end of John’s lengthy narrative about Jesus and the woman at the well in Samaria he reports that the woman’s report stirred up considerable interest in the town.  Then John seems to interrupt the story, injecting a more private exchange between Jesus and His disciples, beginning with the word, “Meanwhile” in verse 31.  John picks up the story about the local residents and their interest in Jesus a little later in verse 39.  Most of the discussion in our group focused on the portion of the discussion between Jesus and the disciples. Continue reading

John 3:27 – 4:4 John’s Testimony

May 3, 2015 – John 3:27 – 4:4

Download discussion questions:  John 3_27-4_4 John’s Testimony

Because I was out of town for two weeks, I do not have comments on the group discussion for those passages.  Since one of the goals of the group is to gain skills and confidence in digging into Scripture, this was an opportunity for the other members of the group to use those skills to help each other learn from the passages.  There had been requests for me to email ahead of time the passage to be studied on Sunday.  I encouraged each person in the group to approach the passage as if he or she was leading the discussion that week: Continue reading

John 3:22 – 36 Increasing and decreasing

April 26, 2015  – John 3:22 – 36

Download discussion questions:  John 3_22-36 Increasing and decreasing

Once again John the Apostle and writer of the Gospel shifts focus back to John the Baptizer (for the last time in this Gospel).  John is still baptizing, and his loyal followers became concerned about the competition (as they probably saw Jesus and His followers and their baptizing activities).  The discussion with a Jew (v. 25) might have intensified their concern – which baptism was best?  Do I need both, first by John and then by Jesus?  Which one provides the most effective purification?  We don’t know the exact nature of the conversation, but it may have been along those lines. Continue reading

John 3:9 – 22 For God so loved…

April 19, 2015 – John 3:9 – 22

Download discussion questions:  John 3_9-22 For God so loved

In our discussion group the previous week, several members had asked to receive the text of the passage and discussion questions before the meeting.  (You can download the handout for each week from the links in each of these blog entries.)  One of the goals I have had for the group is to grow in desire and skill for independent Bible study and for every participant to gain confidence in leading a group study.  I sent out the passage, encouraging each person to look at the text and learn for themselves.  I also suggested they think about how to help others see more about the passage.  So this week’s discussion had a new dimension, with several members taking the role of asking questions to help each other dig deeper into the text of a very familiar passage. Continue reading

John 2:23 – 3:15 Nicodemus

April 12, 2015 – John 2:23 – 3: 15

Download discussion questions:  John 2_23 – 3_15 Nicodemus

In the first chapters of the Gospel of John we have seen brief interactions that Jesus had with others – calling His disciples, saving a wedding party from embarrassment, overturning tables in the temple.  In this passage we begin to see more of Jesus relating to others, sometimes individuals, sometimes groups.  Some are genuinely interested.  Others are openly hostile.  One of the themes we can pursue through the Gospel starts with the question, “How did Jesus interact with others, and what can we learn from Him?”  We will see more of these conversations throughout John’s Gospel. Continue reading

John 2:1-12 Wedding at Cana

March 22, 2015 – John 2:1-12

Download discussion questions: John 2_1-12 wedding at Cana 

One of the comments near the end of our discussion of this passage was that it was “easier” than some of the earlier sections we looked at.  This passage is a narrative, a story, without the theological metaphors or Jewish challenges to John the Baptist.  Jesus is a guest at a wedding where an embarrassing situation arises when the refreshments run out. Continue reading