Author Archives: Michael W.

Galatians 3:23 – 4: 11 November 18, 2018

Download discussion questions:  Galatians 3:23 – 4:11
Calvary Institute – Fall 2018 Index

We began our study of the passage with two main observations:

  • Paul’s repeated (and varied) use of the pronouns “we/our” and “you.”
  • “Transition words” that indicate purpose (“so that”; “because”) or explanation (“for” or “in the same way”) or contrasts (“but”; “although”), etc.

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Galatians 3:23 – 4: 11 Handout for November 18, 2018

Download discussion questions:  Galatians 3:23 – 4:11
Calvary Institute – Fall 2018 Index

Here is the passage for Sunday.  Click the “Download…” link above.

Before looking at the discussion questions on the right side of the page, read through the passage itself once or twice.

  • What questions do you have as you read?
  • What parts of the passage would you like our group to discuss when we meet on Sunday morning?
  • How does this passage follow what Paul has said before? What new ideas does he introduce?

Galatians 3:15-29 November 11, 2018

Download discussion questions:  Galatians 3:15-29
Calvary Institute – Fall 2018 Index

A Human Illustration

In this passage, Paul seemed to intentionally change his strategy.  Earlier he had used theological explanations about justification by faith in Christ (e.g., Galatians 2:15-17) and living by the Spirit of Christ (3:2-5).  He pointed to history and the prime illustration of Abraham’s justification by faith (3:6-9).  He emphasized how Abraham was the prototype of God’s plan to bless all the nations (3:8, 14).  Now he shifts to more familiar territory, Continue reading

Galatians 3:15-29 – Handout for November 11, 2018

Download discussion questions:  Galatians 3:15-29
Calvary Institute – Fall 2018 Index

Here is the passage for Sunday.  Click the “Download…” link above.

Before looking at the discussion questions on the right side of the page, read through the passage itself once or twice.

  • What questions do you have as you read?
  • What parts of the passage would you like our group to discuss when we meet on Sunday morning?
  • If you were leading the group, what questions would you ask to help others explore the passage?

Galatians 3:1-14 October 28, 2018

Download discussion questions:  Galatians 3:1-14
Calvary Institute – Fall 2018 Index

Review – Paul’s Letter So Far

We began our discussion with a review of the first two chapters of Paul’s letter to the Galatian churches.  Our starting-point question was, “How does this section (beginning in Galatians 3) fit into Paul’s thought process?  What is the flow of his argument?  Too often we follow chapter and verse divisions which were added hundreds of years after the original writing.  Those helpful, but artificial, interruptions partition our thinking, isolating parts of Scripture that originally were written and intended to form a whole.  Remembering that individual passages occur in a larger context is critical for understanding the author’s meaning. Continue reading

Exodus 20:1-17 October 21, 2018

Download discussion questions:  Exodus 20_1-17
Calvary Institute – Fall 2018 Index

What Do We Do With God’s Law?

In last week’s study and discussion, the apostle Paul was unambiguous about the source of justification, our right standing with God.  That justification does not come through following the law:

15 We ourselves are Jews by birth and not Gentile sinners; 16 yet we know that a person is not justified by works of the law but through faith in Jesus Christ, so we also have believed in Christ Jesus, in order to be justified by faith in Christ and not by works of the law, because by works of the law no one will be justified.
Galatians 2:15-16, emphasis added.

With that in mind, what do we do with the Ten Commandments?  Continue reading

Galatians 2:14-21 October 14, 2018

Download discussion questions:  Galatians 2:14-21
Calvary Institute – Fall 2018 Index

Law(s) in our Lives

After ten minutes looking at the passage individually, we began our discussion with the questions, “What law or laws have you seen imposed on Christians, especially on you?  What effect did that experience have on you?”

As with last week’s question about awkward or uncomfortable conversations, there was no lack of response about our experiences of law imposed on us.  The examples included:

  • Moral and cultural expectations
  • Observance of Halloween
  • Verse-by-verse exposition as the only valid form of preaching
  • Necessity of home-schooling children
  • Parenting in general, discipline of children

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Galatians 2:3-14 October 7, 2018

Download discussion questions:  Galatians 2:3-14
Calvary Institute – Fall 2018 Index

Awkward, Controversial, Uncomfortable Situations

We began our time together with the following topic:  Think of an awkward, controversial, or uncomfortable conversation you had recently.  How did you handle it?  What do you wish you would have done differently?

Without much delay, several people had examples, some recent events, some still lingering from the past.  Continue reading

Galatians 1:15 – 2:4 September 30, 2018

Download discussion questions:  Galatians 1:15 – 2:4
Calvary Institute – Fall 2018 Index

Becoming Disciples, Making Disciples

Continuing the Calvary Institute theme of making disciples who make disciples, we started with an outline shared with me by our pastor at Calvary Restoration Church:

  • Invest in the lives of people – time, energy, money, resources.
  • Invite people into your life – your home, your leisure time, your story
  • Introduce people – to other Christians and ultimately to Christ

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Galatians 1:9-17 September 23, 2018

Download discussion questions:  Galatians 1:9-17
Seven Questions – Inductively From Galatians
Calvary Institute – Fall 2018 Index

Making Disciples

One of the reasons for the existence of Calvary Institute at Restoration Church is to “make joyful, passionate disciples who make joyful, passionate disciples…”  A quotation from a seventeenth-century Puritan is a good reminder:

The mind of man is capable of receiving continual supplies in the increase of light and knowledge, if they are improved unto their proper end in obedience unto God.  But without this the mind will be quickly stuffed with notions, so that no streams can descend into it from the fountain of truth. [1] Continue reading