Author Archives: Michael W.

John 11:14 – 37   Jesus Wept

November 8, 2015         John 11:14 – 37

Download discussion questions:  John 11_14-37 Jesus wept

Jesus had to be blunt to make the disciples understand:  “Lazarus is dead.”  Then He starts the fifteen mile journey back to Bethany on the outskirts of hostile Jerusalem.  Thomas says what the other eleven are most likely thinking:  going with Jesus into Judea meant facing death.  And they did, but not in the way they expected.  They faced the reality of Lazarus’ death and they saw the response of Jesus to death. Continue reading

John 10:37 – 11:16 Lazarus is dead

November 1, 2015   John 10:37 – 11:16

Download discussion questions: John 10_37 – 11_16 Lazarus is dead

Jesus insists on bringing almost every conversation back to His intimate relationship with the Father.  The tension between Jesus and the hostile Jews escalates.  He and His disciples leave the city of Jerusalem and the area of Judea for safer, familiar territory “beyond the Jordan.”  John includes several geographic details in the passage.  A reasonable question (always good Bible study method) is, Why?  What was important about the geography for John to include the information? Continue reading

“Sleep” in 1 Thessalonians 4 – 5

What does the Apostle Paul mean when he says to his Thessalonian readers, “whether we are awake or asleep, we will live together with Him”?  The initial reading, or in quoting the verse without Paul’s original context, the metaphor of “awake or asleep” sounds like a reference to life and death.  Christians still living at Christ’s return as well as those believers who have already died will all join the triumphant Lord.  Is that the only way to understand his words? Continue reading

John 10:17 – 39    The Father’s Hand

October 18, 2015 John 10:17 – 39

Download discussion questions:  John 10_17-39 Father’s Hand

This passage begins with Jesus making some definitive statements about His ministry.  Laying down His life (a polite way of saying death by torture) is His idea, His initiative, His volition.  He is not being coerced (not by the Jews, not by the Romans, and not even by God) – He is acting on His own authority.  And having the authority to give up His life in a most horrific way, He also has the authority to take it up again, to be restored to life in a most glorious way.  He is the Lord of Life. Continue reading

John 10:1 – 20      The Good Shepherd

October 11, 2015 John 10:1 – 20

Download discussion questions:  John 10_1-18 Good Shepherd

Circumstances prevented me from attending the group for several weeks.  The blog entries for these weeks are minimal to non-existent.  Since the inductive method used in the group is simple, reproducible, and transferable the group continued to have lively discussions.  The handout and discussion questions are available for those weeks and can be downloaded from the link above. Continue reading

John 9:30 – 10:8 Seeing and Shepherds

October 4, 2015   John 9:30 – 10:8

Download discussion questions: John 9_30 – 10_8 seeing & shepherds

Circumstances prevented me from attending the group for several weeks.  The blog entries for these weeks are minimal to non-existent.  Since the inductive method used in the group is simple, reproducible, and transferable the group continued to have lively discussions.  The handout and discussion questions are available for those weeks and can be downloaded from the link above. Continue reading

John 9:16 – 34         The Man Born Blind, Part 2

September 27, 2015 John 9:16 – 34

Download discussion questions:  John 9_16-34 man born blind 2

Circumstances prevented me from attending the group for several weeks.  The blog entries for these weeks are minimal to non-existent.  Since the inductive method used in the group is simple, reproducible, and transferable the group continued to have lively discussions.  The handout and discussion questions are available for those weeks and can be downloaded from the link above.