Author Archives: Michael W.

Handout      John 12:35 – 50   Seeing and Believing

January 3, 2016    John 12:35 – 50

Download discussion questions: John 12_35-50 Seeing & Believing
Download additional questions: Blinded Eyes, Hardened Hearts

First, another reminder for those joining us for our discussion group on this passage.

  • THIS week (January 3, 2016) we will be meeting in the Fireside Room (because of the construction going on in our usual meeting place.)
  • NEXT week (January 10, 2016) we will be back in Room 107.

This passage takes us to the last public discourse by Jesus before the Passover meal with His disciples and His imminent arrest.  He will make some very provocative statements, and the reaction of those around Him will be quite mixed.  One possible theme in the passage, reinforced by powerful quotations from Isaiah, may be to help understand why the reaction to Him was (and is) so diverse.


John 12:23-37                Glorify Your Name

December 20, 2015                  John 12:23 – 37

Download discussion questions: John 12_23-37 Glorify Your Name

Circumstances prevented me from attending on this date.  Since the inductive method we are using is simple, reproducible, and transferable the group continued to have lively discussions.  Even though (sadly) I was not part of the group discussion, I wanted to include a few of my own thoughts on this passage.

This passage contains a number of “if-then” type statements.  Some of these may express cause and effect, others may be expressing a correlation or link between factors.  Whatever the connections, Jesus is using those links to make His point.  Death is necessary for fruit (v. 24).  Loving life leads to loss (v. 25a), while hating life of one kind (“in this world”) preserves life of another kind (v. 25b).  Serving the Son results in honor from the Father (v. 26).  Execution by torture attracts others to Him (v. 32).  The thread through all these associations is contrast:  the honored servant, the hated life, the dying fruitfulness. Continue reading

1 Corinthians 2:12 – 3:11       Spirit & Flesh

December 18, 2015                  1 Corinthians 2:12 – 3:11

Download discussion questions:  1 Corinthians 2_12-3_11 Spirit & flesh

After reading through this passage, one of the questions we considered was the “tone” of Paul’s writing here.  What emotional atmosphere comes through in these verses?  Several opinions were offered:  frustration, urging, coaxing, cajoling, even scolding.  Paul sounds like a hopeful parent who knows his child can do better, or a teacher who knows the student is not reaching his full potential.
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Handout – John 12:23-37        Glorify Your Name

December 20, 2015                  John 12:23 – 37

Download discussion questions:  John 12_23-37 Glorify Your Name

First, a few reminders for those joining us for our discussion group on this passage.

  • THIS week (December 20, 2015) we will be meeting in the Fireside Room (because of the construction going on in our usual meeting place.)
  • NEXT week (December 27, 2015) we will not be meeting.

The passage for this week continues the comments by Jesus and the reactions of others after His sudden startling statement, “The hour has come.”  What did He mean?  How will His followers respond?  What will the crowds think?

This will be an interesting passage to consider as we are in the Christmas season.  The usual thinking at this time of the year is about a baby in a manger.  Jesus had a very concentrated focus on His hour, and maybe His focus will affect our focus at Christmas as well.

HANDOUT   1 Corinthians 2:12 – 3:11       Spirit & Flesh

December 18, 2015                  1 Corinthians 2:12 – 3:11

Download discussion questions:  1 Corinthians 2_12-3_11 Spirit & flesh

This passage contains a lot of familiar contrasts – Spirit and flesh, men and infants, milk and solids, planting and watering, foundations and buildings.  Paul seems to be reaching for a wide variety of metaphors to make his point.  Which images are most helpful to you, and why?  How would these different illustrations be understood by the original readers in Corinth?

John 12:9 – 26         Hosanna

December 13, 2015  John 12:9 – 26

Download discussion questions:  John 12_9-26 Hosanna
Download “Jesus’ Hour in John”:  John 12_23 Jesus’ Hour

A few weeks ago our discussion suggested that the raising of Lazarus was a “pivotal event” in John’s story of Jesus (“John 12:1-8   The Woman With Perfume”).  This week’s passage, occurring a short time later and in the same town, marks a pivotal saying of Jesus. Continue reading

1 Corinthians 1:29 – 2:13       The Spirit

December 11, 2015                  1 Corinthians 1:29 – 2:13

Download discussion questions:  1 Corinthians 1_29-2_13 spirit
Download translations:  1 Corinthians 2_13 Bible Gateway (selected)

Paul started his letter to the Corinthian church with an immediate concern about divisions and factions and loyalties to different teachers (1:1-17).  Then he addresses the contrast between the world’s view of wisdom and the seeming foolishness of the Gospel (1:14-31).  The tendency seemed to be to boost the attractiveness of the “foolish” Gospel with supernatural signs and philosophical sophistication (1:22).  In fact, the different styles of speaking or the various ways of teaching by Paul and Apollos and others may have been a significant part of the factions causing problems in the church.  In this passage, Paul gets even more specific, pointing to the shortcomings of his own ministry in Corinth. Continue reading

Handout – John 12:9 – 26       Hosanna!

December 13, 2015                  John 12:9 – 26

Download discussion questions: John 12_9-26 Hosanna
Download “Jesus’ Hour in John”:  John 12_23 Jesus’ Hour

Lazarus has been raised, and on the next visit to Bethany, Jesus is seen as something of a celebrity.  A dinner party is held for Him, and His mere presence draws a crowd.  But not everyone is happy about it.

This week’s passage marks a turning point, what Jesus called “My hour.”  Download the discussion questions, and explore the text to see how various people had a part in that turning point.  A second handout compares some of the ways John mentions that “hour” in the Gospel he wrote.  Those other references may help us see more of the significance of the hour in Jesus’ thinking and in His mission.

John 12:1-8    The Woman With Perfume

December 6, 2015 John 12:1-8

Download discussion questions:  John 12_1-8 woman with perfume
Download discussion questions: John 12_1-8 woman with perfume (highlighted)

John’s record of Jesus’ visit to Bethany when He raised Lazarus from the dead includes a bit of foreshadowing.  Mary, the sister of Lazarus and Martha, is further identified as, “the Mary who anointed the Lord with ointment, and wiped His feet with her hair” (John 11:2).  Our discussion noted that this event must have been so well known that John’s readers would be able to identify this part of his narrative with the stories they had heard from oral tradition.  One member had asked the very natural question, “Is this the same event that is recorded in other Gospel records?” Continue reading

HANDOUT   1 Corinthians 1:29 – 2:13       The Spirit

December 11, 2015                  1 Corinthians 1:29 – 2:13

Download discussion questions:  1 Corinthians 1_29-2_13 spirit
Download translations:  1 Corinthians 2_13 Bible Gateway (selected)

Paul continues his exhortations to the Corinthians about substance and form, or “my message and my preaching” (1 Corinthians 2:4).  Download the handout and see what he says in addition to the passage we looked at last week.

A second handout is also available.  The last phrase of 1 Corinthians 2:13 is interesting (which is usually a way of saying that different translators treat it in different ways).  The handout provides a handy (and hopefully helpful) way to compare ten different translations.  Look at those translations and any others that you find helpful.  What are the nuances of differences between the variety of ways scholars attempt to express Paul’s idea?  What can you learn from comparing the different translations?  Is that a helpful exercise, or just confusing?

Friday morning should be interesting, as always.