Author Archives: Michael W.

Handout – John 18:1-24 Annas

April 3, 2016                  John 18:1-24

Download discussion questions:  John 18_1-24 Annas


And so it begins.  Jesus is arrested and starts the final part of His journey through various trials to His final trial on the cross.  How does He react?  How do those around Him react?  After chapters of motivating miracles and contemplative theological discourses, the text suddenly becomes a stream of one stressful situation after another.  Download the handout to see what we can learn from this passage about the stresses in our own lives.


HANDOUT   1 Corinthians 8:12 – 9:8         Rights

April 1, 2016                             1 Corinthians 8:12 – 9:8

Download discussion questions:  1 Corinthians 8_12-9_18 rights


Paul has just finished a fairly short section on a controversial topic of his day about food from pagan worship.  Now he moves (it seems) into a broad range of topics, from marriage for apostles to who gets paid for what.  Or is this passage a continuation of the previous section but from a different perspective?  Download the handout and see what connects (or separates) his thinking from last week’s text to this one.


1 Corinthians 8:1-13                Knowledge

March 25, 2016              1 Corinthians 8:1-13

Download discussion questions:  1 Corinthians 8_1-13 knowledge

Paul begins this passage with another of his “Now concerning” transitions to a new topic.  These may be the specific questions the Corinthians had asked him about (1 Corinthians 7:1).  From the first subject of marriage (7:1-40), now he turns to another question that was a part of the Corinthians’ lives:  idol worship (8:1).  The specific issue was about the food that had been sacrificed to idols.  What could (and could not) be done with the food after the pagan service? Continue reading

HANDOUT   1 Corinthians 8:1-13                Knowledge

March 25, 2016              1 Corinthians 8:1-13

Download discussion questions:  1 Corinthians 8_1-13 knowledge


The long list of items Paul has for the Corinthians continues.  How to deal with rival loyalties to different teachers?  What to do about blatant sin in the church?  How to approach singleness and marriage, especially between believers and nonbelievers?  Now the Apostle addresses another very practical concern for the Corinthians surrounded by the idolatry of their culture.  What to do about food that was part of a pagan ceremony and is now being sold in the market or served at a meal?

We don’t generally have an issue with this exact problem, but Paul gives us principles about dealing with what might be called “disputed matters.”  Even as dedicated Christians we may not agree about the appropriateness of different practices.  How do we relate to believers who see things differently?  How do we decide what are disputed matters and what are just excuses for sin?  Download the passage and see what Paul might say about differences you have with other believers over very practical matters.


1 Corinthians 7:29-40    Free from concern

March 18, 2016              1 Corinthians 7:29-40

Download discussion questions:  1 Corinthians 7_29-40 free from concern

Often we puzzle over the exact meaning of a Biblical passage or what the writer was trying to communicate.  Sometimes the text includes a clear, direct declaration of the purpose.  We should take every advantage to use that purpose as a filter to help understand the rest of the passage.  In 1 Corinthians 7:32, Paul gives us just such a statement:  “I want you to be free from concern.”

A little later in the passage Paul elaborates on that purpose:  “This I say for your own benefit; not to put a restraint upon you but to promote what is appropriate and to secure undistracted devotion to the Lord.”  His instructions leading up to this declaration certainly could sound restraining:  guidance for marriage versus singleness, separation from a spouse, widowhood, even the physical intimacy between a husband and a wife.  All of those directions should be interpreted in light of his purpose, to secure undistracted devotion to the Lord.

The beginning of the passage (v. 29-31) can be puzzling apart from Paul’s purpose.  Married persons should act as if they were not?  Ignore emotions of weeping or rejoicing?  Pretend we don’t have the things we possess?  As one member of our discussion group pointed out, the same Apostle who instructed husbands to love their wives as Christ loved the church (Ephesians 5:25) is not likely telling men to pay no attention to wives.  Suppressing emotions may look like spiritual strength, but it does not build Christian community.  Denying our economic status may just be lying.  So what is Paul getting at?  How are those instructions aimed at our undistracted devotion to the Lord?

We need to see how even the good things in our lives, the abundant blessings God provides, can become distractions.  Paul’s desire is that we don’t define our lives by those things.  The form or framework of the world (as mentioned in the previous article) is passing away.  The commonly accepted ways people evaluate themselves and others (marital status, emotional stability, wealth, career, etc., etc.) are not to be our criteria.  When we live our lives even for good things (marriage, career, health, children, ministry), how do we react when problems develop or the good things begin to fade (marital problems, job loss, cancer, rebellious child, failed ministry)?  Blessings we depend on for our identity or satisfaction or fulfillment become the distractions that take us away from devotion to the Lord, the true Source of all those expressions of our joy in Him.

Paul doesn’t expect married believers to desert their believing spouse or to become emotional stoics or to renounce all their possessions.  What he does want is for us (husbands) to love our wives (Ephesians 5:25; Colossians 3:19), for believers to weep and rejoice with others (Romans 12:15), and to use possessions responsibly (2 Corinthians 8:14), especially for the benefit of others.  His concern is the distracting potential of those good things.  Too often, when we fear losing blessings we begin to manage circumstances and manipulate people to make sure the things we desire remain in place.  We develop the attitude (usually unspoken and not even consciously thought), “I need this for life to be OK.”  That is the distraction from our devotion to the Lord that Paul wants us to avoid.  He doesn’t say, “I want you to ignore concerns” but rather “I want you to be free from concern” (1 Corinthians 7:32).  As long as we live in the world (married or single, cheerful or solemn, rich or poor) we will have concerns.  Paul wants to minimize those concerns (e.g., his advice to stay single if possible), but he also wants believers to be free from the bondage of those concerns.  Those concerns are part of life, but they are not the controlling factors.


Handout – John 17:1 – 18:1    Jesus’ Prayer

March 20, 2016              John 17:1 – 18:1

Download discussion questions: John 17_1-18_1 Prayer


One of the challenges each week as we have been working our way through the Gospel according to John is the selection of each successive passage.  The goal has been to include enough context (a particular event or a discourse of Jesus) to form a cohesive section we can study.  At the same time, it is important to remember we have only about an hour for our discussion, so the length of the passage needs to be limited.

This weeks’ passage is longer than usual, but it represents a unit that would be difficult to divide and impossible to discuss if it were broken into several parts.  Jesus’ prayer might be considered the culmination of His earthly ministry as He prays to His Father about what He has done and what He desires for His disciples.  His prayer exposes what was on His heart just before His arrest.

This powerful passage stands on its own.  I have not included any discussion questions, but I expect our time together will be rich as we look at this prayer on Palm Sunday.


HANDOUT   1 Corinthians 7:29-40    Free from concern

March 18, 2016              1 Corinthians 7:29-40

Download discussion questions:  1 Corinthians 7_29-40 free from concern


Paul continues (apparently) responding to the questions the Corinthians had for him (1 Corinthians 7:1).  How were they to adjust their lives in light of their growing faith?  He has dealt with more obvious issues such as blatant immorality.  Now he continues with finer distinctions, how even good things in our lives can be distractions that divide our attention.

Download the passage and see if Paul’s words resonate with any distractions in your own life.


John 16:21 – 33   Plain Words

March 13, 2016    John 16:21 – 33

Download discussion questions:  John 16_21-33 plain words

Our discussion began with an invitation to the mothers in the group to comment on verse 21.  The consensus was that the pain of childbirth was real and intense.  The responses clearly revealed that none of the women who had borne a child had any trouble remembering the experience.  But the significant pain, though remembered, was immediately eclipsed by the joy of seeing and holding a newborn.  Jesus’ words were not intended to suggest that the anguish and grief we experience is to be minimized or ignored.  Rather He was saying that no matter what we experience the joy in store for us surpasses the pain.

That joy is to be full, the joy of Jesus Himself (cf. John 15:11).  The joy is the result of the relationship with the Father as we experience the freedom to approach Him in our prayers in the name of Jesus (16:24).  One person in our group noted that the disciples had not asked the Father for anything in Jesus’ name (as He points out, v. 24) because Jesus was with them.  They could just ask Him directly.

Now, He was preparing them for His departure.  He began instructing them about the ministry of the Holy Spirit (14:16-17, 26; 15:26-27; 16:13-15).  Now He introduces a new idea about their relationship with the Father, that they will be able to approach the Father directly:  “I do not say to you that I will request of the Father on your behalf; for the Father Himself loves you” (v. 26b-27a).  We discussed the question of Jesus’ role as the mediator.  How does that statement relate to His role of reconciling us with the Father?  The basis of our direct approach to the Father is based on that very work of reconciliation.  Our direct access to the Father grows out of His (the Father’s) love for us.  That love is based on our relationship with Jesus, our mediator, and our faith in Him:  “because you have loved Me and have believed that I came from the Father” (v. 27).  As we have seen repeatedly (and will continue to see in John 17) Jesus’ emphasis has been on His mission as One sent by the Father, and His passion was to accomplish that mission and glorify the Father.  The core belief that Jesus points to as our basis for direct access to the Father is our belief in the relationship between the Father and the Son.

At this point in the passage (v. 29) the disciples make what seemed to most of our group to be an odd statement.  Their reaction might be paraphrased as, “Now we understand.  Now we really believe.”  We discussed what might have changed.  Was there anything in Jesus’ words in this passage (or recent passages) that was significantly different from what He had been saying throughout the Gospel of John?  We didn’t find anything that seemed dramatic to us, except perhaps for Jesus words about direct access to the Father.  But even that idea doesn’t seem to explain the disciples’ sudden enlightenment.  One person suggested that maybe the Holy Spirit was already at work to clarify the disciples’ thinking.  Another participant pointed out that, while the Spirit’s work is certainly possible, there is no mention in the text.

Then someone noted that maybe the disciples were not as clear on what Jesus was saying as they thought.  In verses 21-28, Jesus clearly and intentionally mentions the Father eight times.  (In the previous passage, John 16:6-23, He mentioned the Father three times.  In verse 17 of that passage, the disciples were clearly confused about His comments referring to the Father.)  Yet when the disciples assert their sudden understanding, they described their belief that Jesus “came from God” (John 16:30).  Jesus has continually tried to teach them about His unique relationship with the Father, carefully choosing His words.  In John 16 the only time Jesus uses the word “God” is in verse 2 when He describes false service to God as the result “because they have not known the Father or Me.”  Jesus was accentuating the distinct Persons of the Trinity rather than a generic conception of God.

British theologian Leslie Newbegin points out how central that understanding was in the early church:

When the Christians of the early centuries faced the task of saying who Jesus is in terms of the ‘lords many and gods many’ of the classical world, they could only do it by means of the Trinitarian’ model.  It is significant that when the word ‘God’ is spoken in discussions such as the present, few Christians think immediately of the Trinity. The operative model is not trinitarian but unitarian. [1]


Whatever the disciples thought they understood, they seemed to still be missing that critical difference between a vague God and the distinct Persons of the Trinity.  Jesus recognized the deficiency in their belief (v. 31) and predicted that they would soon desert Him.  But He also told them that they should have peace in Him (v. 33a).  That sequence (a prophecy of inconstancy followed immediately by reassuring words) sounds a lot like Jesus’ words to the over-confident Peter (John 13:37-14:3).  The disciples’ overconfidence results in a similar solemn response and immediate encouragement from Jesus.  Perhaps that solemn warning was important in light of the tribulation He knew the disciples would be facing.

The word tribulation (thlipsin, θλῖψιν) is the same word used of the anguish in childbirth in verse 21.  This passage begins and ends with Jesus encouraging His followers to judge difficulties in light of the anticipated joy of the relationship with Him and His Father.  Jesus is the model for that approach.  He knew that in a matter of minutes His closest followers would abandon Him, fleeing in terror, and they would leave Him alone.  He also knew that His deepest support and joy and fulfillment was not dependent on any human circumstance.  His joy came from His relationship with the Father.  That was the essence of His assertion that He had overcome the world (v. 33b).  We face tribulations (difficult circumstances, disappointing relationships, physical discomfort, emotional pain, etc.).  Like the moms in our group, we don’t deny the pain or pretend it doesn’t hurt.  We overcome those hardships as we consciously and intentionally find our deepest joy in our relationship with the Triune God.


[1] J. E. Leslie Newbigin, Christian Witness in a Plural Society (London: British Council of Churches, 1977), 7.

1 Corinthians 7:17 – 31 Circumstances

March 11, 2016    1 Corinthians 7:17 – 31

Download discussion questions:  1 Corinthians 7_17-31

This week’s group discussion was a real treat for me – I was not the teacher-leader-facilitator-referee.  Because I had been out of town, one of the other group members prepared the handout and the group as a whole carried the discussion.  I enjoyed being a participant in the conversation.

One of the questions in the discussion related back to the first verse of the chapter, where Paul is specifically addressing issues raised in a letter to him from the Corinthians (which, of course, we don’t have).  Our question then becomes, What did they ask Paul about?  The consensus of our group was (based on Paul’s responses) that it must have something to do with sex.  Someone suggested that the Corinthian Christians, new to the faith, were running into the very practical dilemma of marriage between one partner who had become a Christian and another who had not.  Paul addresses directly in verses 12-16).  Not only that problem, but the Christian ethic they were learning was quite different from the cultural norms they knew.  They were now under a higher, stricter standard.  At the same time, their salvation was based on God’s grace instead of their performance.  No wonder they had questions about exactly how that was all to work out (just like we do).

Then, as our present passage begins, Paul expands the principle to any troubling life situation.  Faith in Christ is to impact all of life.  What should that impact look like in a wide spectrum of circumstances?  What needs to be changed?  What can stay the same?  Paul’s overriding principle seems to be that change is essential in areas of clear immorality (cf. his strong words beginning in chapter 5).  However, in most areas he counsels, “as the Lord has assigned to each one, as God has called each, in this manner let him walk. And so I direct in all the churches” (v. 17).  He had been addressing problems specific to the Corinthian church.  Now he adds the clarification that this is his universal instruction.  He repeats the principle in verse 20 and again in verse 24.

The list of issues Paul addresses specifically may give more insight into the questions the Corinthians had.  What about our previous religious affiliations (v. 18-19, circumcision/uncircumcision)?  What about our social standing (v. 21-22, slave/free)?  How about marital status (v. 25-27)?

One member of our group was concerned about Paul’s advice that seems to discourage marriage (7:1, 27b).  Does that advice contradict God’s commission in Genesis to be fruitful and multiply?  Paul’s concern in this passage (probably directed to the Corinthians’ particular questions) is about the general principle of verse 26, “I think then that this is good in view of the present distress, that it is good for a man to remain as he is.”  Paul is concerned for the trouble (thlipsin, θλῖψιν, tribulation) the Corinthians are facing because of their faith.  Improving or managing their circumstances are not the main issues.  Living for Christ is the main issue, in whatever circumstances the believers find themselves.  Certainly, if the opportunity arises we should gladly change, for example, a slave becoming free, or a single person marrying.  Paul’s words about marriage or other situations (v. 28) are not about sin but about practical realities.  He is not rejecting God’s intention for marriage, but he is encouraging the new Corinthian believers to count the cost that will be involved.

Paul explains why circumstances are not to be our main concern.  Circumstances may be positive (living in freedom, having a wonderful marriage).  Circumstances may be terrible (slavery for life, or marriage to an unsympathetic non-Christian spouse).  Paul’s point is that all the criteria we usually use to judge the quality of our lives (social status, marital status, etc.) are “passing away” (v. 31b).  The form of this world, the framework (schema, σχῆμα, the plan, the schematic, how things work in this world) is being replaced by a new way.  The new way is centered on our relationship with God, with His people, and with the world He loves.  The time we spend worrying about our circumstances, and the energy we expend trying to manage life to make those circumstances better – that time and energy could better be invested in those relationships – with God and with others.

The circumstances Paul lists are what C. S. Lewis described as “second things” in contrast to the first thing of knowing God.  First and second things are not mutually exclusive.  Both are part of God’s intention for us, in the proper priority.  When these priorities are confused, we can miss out on both.  Lewis explains,

Put first things first and we get second things thrown in; put second things first & we lose both first and second things.[1]


You can’t get second things by putting them first; you can get second things only by putting first things first.[2]

Jesus put this most succinctly:  “Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”[3]  Paul seems to be telling the Corinthians the same thing.  A good religious heritage, freedom from slavery, a happy marriage are all good second things we can be thankful for.  But they are still second things.  A terrible religious background, or slavery, or undesired singleness (or a difficult marriage) are second things.  None of these is our first thing.  None of these (positive or negative) should define our life and determine our priorities.  Our unique “first thing” is our relationship with God, our communion and fellowship with Him.  That first thing is what should be our source of identity and joy and satisfaction and fulfillment.  Paul’s desire for the Corinthians is to spare them (v. 28) the distress and trouble that over-attention to second things will cause.


[1] C. S. Lewis, The Collected Letters of C.S. Lewis, Volume 3, ed. Walter Hooper (New York:  HarperCollins e-books, 2009), Kindle Electronic Edition:  Location 1921, page 111 (emphasis in the original).

[2] C. S. Lewis, “First and Second Things,” God in the Dock, Walter Hooper, ed. (Grand Rapids, Michigan:  William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1970), 280.

[3] Matthew 6:33.

Handout –   John 16:21 – 33   Plain Words

March 13, 2016    John 16:21 – 33

Download discussion questions:  John 16_21-33 plain words


These are the last words John recorded of Jesus speaking to His disciples before His arrest.  Immediately after this passage He begins His fervent prayer to the Father (John 17), and then He goes to the garden where Judas betrays Him (John 18).

Download the handout for this passage and see what words Jesus had for His followers.  Are they words of comfort or caution or encouragement or challenge or counsel?  How do His words relate to us to turn temporary grief into everlasting joy (John 16:22)?