Author Archives: Michael W.

HANDOUT   1 Corinthians 6:12 – 7:7         One flesh

February 26, 2016                   1 Corinthians 6:12 – 7:7

Download discussion questions:  1 Corinthians 6_12-7_7 One Flesh

In some ways, the culture Paul was addressing was very different from ours.  In other ways we are very similar.  His letter to the church at Corinth deals with confusion over sex – God’s beautiful gift that has the potential for some of our ugliest sin.  How do we treat sex?  What should be our attitude as individuals and as a culture?  How do we enjoy the blessing that God intended and avoid the dangers?  How applicable is Paul’s instruction for our culture and for us individually?  Download the passage and the discussion questions and join us for what is sure to be an interesting discussion!


1 Corinthians 5:12 – 6:14       Lawsuits

February 19, 2016                   1 Corinthians 5:12 – 6:14

Download discussion questions:  1 Corinthians 5_12-6_14 lawsuits

Our discussion began with a review of what we had seen in the previous passages in last week’s study about judgment (1 Corinthians 4:21-61, Matthew 18:15-35; Luke 6:31-45).  Since this passage continues Paul’s remarks about judgment, that seemed a good place to start. Continue reading

Handout –   John 15:1 – 19     The Vine, etc.

February 21, 2016         John 15:1 – 19

Download discussion questions:  John 15_1-19 The Vine

Download discussion questions: John 15_1-19 The Vine – highlighted

“John 15?  That’s the passage about the vine and the branches.”  That is often the first reaction from Christians who have been around church and Bible studies for a while.  Familiarity can be an obstacle to good inductive study.  If we come to a passage already decided about what it says, we will have difficulty seeing new insights the Holy Spirit may want to illuminate for us.  The goal this week will be to discover what else Jesus says in this passage, and how those subjects relate to the Vine and the branches.

The second handout (the “highlighted” version) already has the beginning of the Observation phase, but if you want to start completely fresh, the first handout is just the passage with similar questions for your own observation of repeated words.  Download one or both and see what you discover in this powerful passage.


HANDOUT   1 Corinthians 5:12 – 6:14       Lawsuits

February 19, 2016                   1 Corinthians 5:12 – 6:14

Download discussion questions:  1 Corinthians 5_12-6_14 lawsuits


In the previous passage Paul had strong words for how the church needed to deal with sin.  Now he turns from the specific topic of judging sin within the church to judging (and being judged by) outsiders.  This passage raises very practical questions for us.  How do we deal with our legal system?  Where do we turn to correct injustices?  How do we respond when practical realities seem to make Biblical instructions impractical?


John 14:15-31      Another Helper

February 14, 2016         John 14:15-31

Download discussion questions: John 14_15-31 Another Helper

Our discussion began with the question, “What does it mean to love God?”  Jesus uses the verb “love” (agapao, ἀγαπάω) ten times in the brief passage.  (The fact that this passage and this topic are a part of our study on Valentine’s Day was purely providential.) Continue reading

1 Corinthians 4:21-6:1; Matthew 18:15-35; Luke 6:31-45      Judgment

February 12, 2916
1 Corinthians 4:21-6:1; Matthew 18:15-35; Luke 6:31-45

Download discussion questions:  1 Corinthians 4_21-6_1 judgment

Download discussion questions:  Matthew 18_15-35 judgment

Download discussion questions:  Luke 6_31-45 judgment

This week’s study was an opportunity to pursue some cross-references regarding judgment.  The earlier discussion on 1 Corinthians 5 raised the question from one of the group members, “What did Jesus say about judging others?”  This week we pursued that question. Continue reading

Handout – John 14:15-31        Another Helper

February 14, 2016         John 14:15-31

Download discussion questions:  John 14_15-31 Another Helper


Jesus has just given His disciples a “new” commandment about love.  In this passage He repeats that word at least ten times.  He adds another element to the discussion, the Holy Spirit.  Download the discussion questions and look at the passage to understand how and why Jesus seems to connect those two themes.

HANDOUT   1 Corinthians 4:21-6:1, etc.    judgment

January 29, 2016           1 Corinthians 4:21-6:1, etc.

Download discussion questions:  1 Corinthians 4_21-6_1 judgment

Download discussion questions:  Matthew 18_15-35 judgment

Download discussion questions:  Luke 6_31-45 judgment

During an earlier discussion about 1 Corinthians 4 and Paul’s strong words to the church at Corinth, the topic turned to judging others.  The question, “What did Jesus say about judging others?” came up.  Since that question takes us outside of the 1 Corinthians passage, this week we will be looking at other cross-reference passages.  Cross-references, other passages dealing with a related topic are important.  But in order for the other passages to be genuinely helpful it is usually important to go beyond general ideas about the other passages.  A discussion can become a battle of proof-texts and hearsay impressions about what we think another passage might say.  This week we will study two extended cross-references about “what Jesus said about judging others” and see how those passages help us understand Paul’s treatment of the Corinthians.  The questions for Observation, Interpretation, and Application are identical for all three passages.  With the usual amount of group time and three times the amount of Scripture it should be interesting!