Download discussion questions: 1 John 2:1-11 knowing
Table Talk: How would you summarize the Christian message to someone completely unfamiliar with the Bible – and without using common “religious” words like cross, died, believe, have faith, love, eternal, heaven, hell, holy, resurrection, receive, savior, lord, born again, new birth, invite?
[“Table Talk” is an opening question or topic for discussion at the beginning of our time together. The intent is to help group members (around tables, with four to six at each table) build connections with each other, as well as to guide thinking in a direction related to the passage.]
Since I unfortunately was out of town and did not have the privilege of participating in the discussion of this passage on Sunday, I wanted to offer some of my comments. I encourage those of you who did join in the dialog about these verses to add your input using the “leave a reply” link on the blog page. Continue reading