Download discussion questions: 1John 2:10-17 Children, Fathers, Young Men
Table Talk: Think about where you were in life when you first responded to the Gospel. Then think of the most spiritual individual who you know personally. Where are you along that path, from first belief to mature faith?
(“Table Talk” is an opening question or topic for discussion at the beginning of our time together. The intent is to help group members (around tables, with four to six at each table) build connections with each other, as well as to guide thinking in a direction related to the passage.)
Our discussion started with the question, “What part of this passage do you find the most puzzling or even confusing?” That approach led us first to almost the end of the passage, when John writes, “If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in him” (1 John 2:15). Our discussion soon focused on a single word, a small preposition, the love “for” the Father, since someone pointed out that other translations say love “of” the Father.[1] The importance of the question became clear when one person suggested that love “for” the Father was directed “upward” as our love for Him, while love “of” the Father (or “the Father’s love”) is downward, from Him. Is John saying that if we love the world, God will not love us? That seemed to be an alarming suggestion. Continue reading