Download discussion questions: 1 John 3:1-16
Table Talk: What are ways that you have seen evidence of God’s work in your life? What have you seen recently? What have you seen over the long term?
[“Table Talk” is an opening question or topic for discussion at the beginning of our time together. The intent is to help group members (around tables, with four to six at each table) build connections with each other, as well as to guide thinking in a direction related to the passage.]
This passage seems to contain a shift in John’s tone. He has made many encouraging and comforting statements about the forgiveness of sin and having fellowship with God. Some of his comments have been warnings about the consequences of “walking in darkness” or loving the things of the world. In these verses he makes stronger, unbending absolute statements, such as “no one who abides in Him sins” (1 John 3:6a) and “no one who sins has seen Him or knows Him” (v. 6b). Any honest reader must be troubled by these pronouncements: “I sin, so what is John saying about me?” Continue reading