Download discussion questions: 1 John 4:7-5:3
Table Talk: What motivates you in your Christian life? What keeps you going through difficult times? Duty? Guilt? Joy? Fear? Gratitude? Obligation? Reputation? We all know the ‘right’ answers, but what really goes on inside you when facing a hard decision or inconvenient task?
[“Table Talk” is an opening question or topic for discussion at the beginning of our time together. The intent is to help group members (around tables, with four to six at each table) build connections with each other, as well as to guide thinking in a direction related to the passage.]
In excellent inductive-study–observation form, one of the members of our group pointed out near the beginning of our discussion that John uses the word “love” thirty-four times in this passage, a likely clue to the theme we should be looking for! Considering the fact that the entire letter of 1 John contains the word a total of fifty-two times, there is even a disproportionate concentration in these verses. Another person asked if different Greek words for love were used, but all the occurrences in this passage (in fact, all the occurrences in the entire letter) are the word for the highest form of love (agapē, ἀγάπῃ). Continue reading →