Author Archives: Michael W.

1 John 1:3-2:2 January 14, 2018

Download discussion questions:  1 John 1:3-2:2
Download outline format:  1 John1:3-2:2

Last week we saw John’s emphatic introduction about first-hand “sensory experiences” (1 John 1:1-5).  Now he immediately moves into a practical (if uncomfortable) topic of how sin affects the fellowship and joy (1 John 1:3) he desired for his readers (and for us). Continue reading

1 John 1:1-5 January 7, 2018

Download discussion questions:  1 John 1:1-5

Our first discussion group began with what is intended to be our weekly pattern:  we spent about ten minutes to read through the passage individually and to work through the discussion questions.  Since this was our first time together, I then spent a few minutes describing the inductive method we will be using:  What does it say?  What does it mean?  What does it mean for me?  (For more detail, see the article Inductive Study Guidelines.) Continue reading

Calvary Institute

This blog is a record of the discussion group of Calvary Institute at Calvary Restoration Church in Aurora, Colorado.  The group started in January 2018 at Calvary Restoration (a part of CFC, the Calvary Family of Churches).  Calvary Institute is a part of the process of training joyful, passionate disciples to “Grow to know God deeply,” one of the core commitments of CFC.

And behold, a lawyer stood up to put him to the test, saying, “Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?”  He said to him, “What is written in the Law? How do you read it?”  And he answered, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.”  And he said to him, “You have answered correctly; do this, and you will live.” – Luke 10:25-28 (ESV)

Jesus certainly agreed with the answer that the religious leader gave – the response was right from the Scriptures!  The emphasis from the Lord was “Do this.”  How do we do this? Continue reading

1 Peter 5 May 28, 2017

[Download the handout.]
[Go to the beginning of this study series.]

This chapter begins with what appears to be a brand-new topic:  the role of elders.  We began our discussion with the question, “Why?”  Was this simply the next item in Peter’s checklist of topics?  Or more likely, how did it fit into the flow of his letter?  Why did he draw his epistle to a close on this subject? Continue reading

1 Peter 4 May 21, 2017

[Download the handout]
[Go to the beginning of this study series]

This portion of Peter’s letter raised plenty of questions for our group:

  • What does “finished with sin” mean (1 Peter 4:1b)?
  • When was the gospel preached to “the dead” – before or after they died (v. 6)?
  • How does love (and whose love) cover sins (v. 8)?
  • What does it mean to “be as one who speaks God’s words” (v. 11)?
  • How are our suffering, God’s glory, and joy related (vv. 13, 16)?
  • Does God really will suffering (v. 19)?

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1 Peter 3 – May 7, 2017

[Download the handout.]
[Go to the beginning of this study series.]

As our group was reading this passage prior to our discussion, it occurred to me that 1 Peter 3 is full of ideas very out of step with our culture:

  • Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands (v. 1)
  • Husbands…treat your wives with respect as the weaker partner (v. 7)
  • Do not repay evil with evil (v. 9 – “No retaliation. No sharp-tongued sarcasm” in The Message.)
  • Even if you suffer for what is right…(v. 14)
  • If it is God’s will to suffer … (v. 17)

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1 Peter 2 – April 30, 2017

[Download the handout.]
[Go to the beginning of this study series.]

In the practice of good observation, several people in our group started the discussion with the “So” at the beginning of the passage (“Therefore” in NASB and NIV).  The agreement was that Peter is drawing a conclusion from the end of the previous chapter about “the good news that was preached to you” (1 Peter 1:25).

However, in this context of good news and the gospel of salvation, one person pointed out how many “do’s” and “don’t’s” Peter gives throughout the chapter.  The person making the comment described an early upbringing of strict rules and how such a background can inhibit our experience of grace.  Continue reading

1 Peter 1 – April 23, 2017

Download the handout.
Go to the beginning of this study series.

The beginning of Peter’s first letter did not disappoint.  We started our discussion around the questions, “What was on Peter’s mind?  Why did he take the time to write this letter?”  After looking at the passage individually for about fifteen minutes, we talked about the various themes that seem to permeate those twenty-five verses: Continue reading

Letters of Peter Introduction

After our study and discussion of the Apostles’ Creed, I wanted to return to the format we had used for the Gospel according to John and the letters of John:  simple, straightforward inductive Bible study, rigorously staying in the text to see how much we could glean from the single passage.

This study (and the blog resulting from our discussion group) will be different in a few ways.  The common thread through these changes is to encourage more independent study and less dependence on a leader’s preparation.

  • A chapter at a time: In previous studies, I divided the text into shorter passages, looking for what appeared to be logical break points in the writer’s flow of thinking.  We will study Peter’s letters a chapter at a time, understanding that the chapter divisions (as well as the verse numbers) were added centuries after the Biblical documents were written.  Rather than depending on my (sometimes arbitrary) selection of passages, we will use the chapter divisions we all have as a starting point.
  • Few, if any, prepared questions: Guided questions can help stimulate discussion, and our group often asks even more interesting questions as we go through a passage.  In order to make the study more authentically inductive, we will start with just the text.  The questions on the back of the handouts are still helpful starting points for the methodical approach of Observation, Interpretation, and Application.
  • Different translations: In previous studies, we used the New American Standard Version most of the time.  In order to benefit from the abundance of translations available, each week the handout will use a different version.  I encourage the group to use their own Bible translations as well in order to gain even more breadth of the richness of a passage.  We will continue using handouts for the convenience of marking the passage.
  • Short blogs: Past blog entries may have been a bit (!) lengthy because of the rich discussions in our group.  Trying to include all the treasures from our time together resulted in some blog entries of five-thousand words (which pushed the limit between blog and dissertation!).  My goal for this study is to pick one theme from our discussion.  Hopefully, others from the group will comment in the blog to add more jewels from our discussion.

I hope the blog will be helpful in your own study of Scripture.  If you have the opportunity, please join us at 10:45 on Sunday mornings in the Conference Room at South Fellowship.