Author Archives: Michael W.

Romans 7:24 – 8:11 – John Owen: Spiritual Mindedness April 15, 2018

Download discussion questions:  Romans 7:24-1:11
Download highlighted passage:  Romans 7:24-1:11
Listen to John Piper on Owen

After looking at the passage individually for a few minutes, our discussion began with an observation that I had missed.  The section begins with a question about being freed from “this body of death” (Romans 7:24), and it ends with the answer to his own question, “He who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies” (8:11).  One consistent characteristic of leading a discussion group in inductive Bible study is the insight from others.  That observation raised the question, “How did Paul get from his question to his answer in this passage?” Continue reading

Psalm 16 – Augustine: Torrents of Thy Pleasures April 8, 2018

Download discussion questions:  Psalm 16
Listen to John Piper on Augustine
Augustine’s Confessions On-Line

After the last four weeks in psalms of lament, today’s text in Psalm 16 offers a contrast, exulting in the joy of the Lord.  After briefly looking at the passage on our own, we started with the question:  “How did David get from ‘Preserve me…’ (v. 1) to ‘…pleasures forevermore’ (v. 11)?” Continue reading

Psalm 22 – Psalms of Suffering and Lament March 25, 2018

Download discussion questions:  Psalm 22

This week’s Calvary Institute discussion on Psalms of Lament was led by Matt, one of the elders at Calvary Restoration Church.  As Matt pointed out, Psalm 22 is best known for its messianic allusions, especially Jesus’ cry on the cross from the first verse of the psalm.  However, he suggested we also look at the passage from the point of view of the original writer and his experience of suffering and his response.  As we read through the psalm individually, Matt encouraged us to look for themes and progression and turning points. Continue reading

Psalm 102 – Psalms of Suffering and Lament March 18, 2018

Download discussion questions:  Psalm 102

This week’s Calvary Institute discussion on Psalms of Lament was led by Dereje, a church-planting intern at Calvary Restoration Church.  We read Psalm 102 aloud, each person reading a verse from his/her own translation.


The first question that came up related to the differences in translations.  For example, at the end the psalmist says, “The children of your servants shall dwell secure” (v. 28, ESV).  However, other translations say “will live in your presence” (NIV), or “will continue” (NASB), or even “will have a good place to live” (MSG).  (The BibleGateway web site can display dozens of translations for comparison.) Continue reading

Psalm 73 – Psalms of Suffering and Lament – March 11, 2018

Download discussion questions:  Psalm 73

This week’s Calvary Institute discussion on Psalms of Lament was led by Brian, a member of the staff at Calvary Restoration Church.  After the group spent some time looking at Psalm 73, Brian suggested we think about the perspective of the psalm.  Specifically, how and where does the psalmist’s perspective change?  Continue reading

Psalm 42-43 – Psalms of Suffering and Lament March 4, 2018

Download discussion questions:  Psalm 42-43

Since we were starting a new Calvary Institute study in Psalms, we began with an overview of poetry and more specifically Hebrew poetry.

Introduction to Psalms

Poetry – What and Why?

When asked to define poetry, the group responded with “rhyme” and “rhythm.”  One person mentioned that music is often an expression of poetry with those characteristics.  Another comment brought up “modern” poetry that often has neither rhyme nor rhythm. Continue reading

Apostles’ Creed – I Believe in the Holy Spirit February 25, 2018

Download discussion questions:  1 John 3:23-5:1

After our usual beginning time of looking over the passage and discussion questions individually, one attentive member of the group made the observation:  “This is the same passage as last week.”  The text of 1 John 3:23 to 5:1 had much to say related to the second section of the Apostles’ Creed, “I believe in Jesus Christ….”  Likewise, the same passage has several statements relating to this week’s topic:  “I believe in the Holy Spirit….”  This is a good example of the richness of Scripture.  Spending an hour discussing or several hours studying a passage never exhausts the depth of God’s message in that text. Continue reading

Apostles’ Creed – I Believe in Jesus Christ… February 18, 2018

Download discussion questions:  1 John 3:23-5:1

John’s letter continued to warn against deceivers and those who would misrepresent who Jesus is.  Since one of the functions of the Creed is to provide a framework for understanding the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, 1 John provides a good starting point for this study. Continue reading

Apostles’ Creed – Introduction February 4, 2018

Download discussion questions:  1 John 2:18-3:3
Download a copy of the Apostles’ Creed

A four-week study of the Apostles’ Creed will of necessity be a cursory overview.[1]  Cursory does not mean superficial.  The goal is to use Scripture as our foundation and starting point.  We want to examine each section of the Creed (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) in light of Biblical teaching:  Does the Bible really say that?  Does the Creed provide an accurate (if not exhaustive) description of our faith?  Are there topics not in the Creed that are essential to saving faith?  Are there parts of the Creed that are not necessary? Continue reading