Handout      John 12:35 – 50   Seeing and Believing

January 3, 2016    John 12:35 – 50

Download discussion questions: John 12_35-50 Seeing & Believing
Download additional questions: Blinded Eyes, Hardened Hearts

First, another reminder for those joining us for our discussion group on this passage.

  • THIS week (January 3, 2016) we will be meeting in the Fireside Room (because of the construction going on in our usual meeting place.)
  • NEXT week (January 10, 2016) we will be back in Room 107.

This passage takes us to the last public discourse by Jesus before the Passover meal with His disciples and His imminent arrest.  He will make some very provocative statements, and the reaction of those around Him will be quite mixed.  One possible theme in the passage, reinforced by powerful quotations from Isaiah, may be to help understand why the reaction to Him was (and is) so diverse.


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